By appointment only.
Call the store to schedule an appointment (570-325-3841)
Store Hours: CLOSED WEDNESDAY // Monday-Sunday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Consignment Drop Off Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday-Thursday
Appointments accepted every 30 minutes 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday-Thursday
Generally, smaller décor items can be brought in for review without prior approval. If the item has multiple pieces or is especially fragile, you may want to seek prior approval via e-mail or text. Nonetheless, before bringing anything in, ask yourself the following questions.
Price Expectations—what you paid and what you hope to reap.
Is yours a Pet- & Smoke-free Home?
For Wall Art & Mirrors—is the frame intact and soundly constructed? Are there any scratches on the glass/mirror? Is the subject matter appropriate & the matting clean (wall art)?
Are the items clean and immediately ready for the sales floor?
If the item is a multi-piece set, are all the pieces intact and present?
Does this fit for the current time of year? We do restrict certain items by season and/or holiday? Brand & Material
Age (not just how long you have had it, but how old it is)
Overall Condition. For Fabric Pieces & Rugs—is there any fading, staining, fraying, tearing, odor, etc.?
Remember we require prior approval for larger items—furniture of any type, larger lamps, wall art, mirrors, larger rugs, and larger décor pieces that may be cumbersome to bring in. Send a photo of the item, along with the above information, to Tdavenport105@gmail.com.
Once you have appointment approval, we will set up your account.
One-time signup/administrative fee of $10
120-day consignment period for each item (unless restricted, as dictated by season or holiday theme)
Pricing Structure consists of four 30-day prices, the original price & three markdowns where the price is reduced by 20% of its most-previous price.
50/50 split of selling price, regardless of any store-honored discounts, specials, coupons, etc.
Real-time account credit that can be used for purchases.
Payouts monthly by check ($15 check minimum) for funds up to the end of the previous month
Checks ready for pickup on the 1st of the month. (If you are relocating out-of-state, we will certainly mail your checks!)
E-mailed list after intake is processed. This, coupled with our online portal, will help you track your items.
Online Account Monitoring Portal for your items featured on the web site and accounting activity.
You own your items for the full 120 days. You must keep track of your items & pick-up items that do not sell by the 120th day. On the 121st day they become Decorate It Again property.
A fee is charged for early withdrawal (within their first 90 days on consignment) of any items.
We do not allow cross-posting.